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Top 7 keys to communicating better at work

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Communication is inarguably one of the most important skills for anyone. No matter which field or industry to go to, it is an important factor considered for most people. It helps make or break any deal. 

Good leaders educate themselves and teach their teams how they can communicate the most effective in the workplace. Yet, so many of us haven’t been trained in how to converse with our co-workers and clients. 

Here are some tips that will help you become a better communicator.

Listen. Listen. Listen: Most of us are terrible listeners. It’s a fact. Instead of listening to what the other person is saying, we just wait for our chance to speak. Listening to the other person’s thoughts will help us better understand what he/she wants or needs and will get our undivided attention.

Don’t get too casual: Being a great communicator demands following a set of guidelines strictly. Following a professional tone is one of the rules anyone should follow. 

Getting along with your work colleagues can help you do your job better, but don’t take it too far in your communication on the job. We understand you might be having episodes of frustration during work hours. Keep the cursing for after hours, and make sure your emails, meetings, and phone calls are professional. Being too casual on the job may make others feel uncomfortable.

Know where and when to communicate: Knowing where and when to start and stop is a great virtue in any person. Sometimes, having an idea where to communicate is half the battle won. For instance, your colleagues might be having an engrossing conversation. You can’t just barge in the middle of their conversation and burst out words from your mouth. You need to respect everyone present in the conversation and only talk when it is your chance. 

Repeat important words to have a powerful impact: If there’s an important message that you need to get across, consider repeating or delivering that information in a few different ways so that your audience really remembers. 

Typically, an important message is first conveyed in a meeting. That message can then be reinforced when participants write meeting notes when minutes of the meeting are circulated when action items are sent or a meeting recap is shared with the rest of the team. When the message is relayed several times through several different channels, chances are your team is going to remember. 

Consider communication preference: Not everyone likes to communicate on the same platform as you. Some prefer email, but others would rather pick up the phone and talk, text, or even use social media or instant messaging. Respect the person you’re trying to contact and use the method they seem to prefer. If you’ve called a client several times and always get their voicemail, but if you find they are always quick to respond on email, switch to email instead.

Pay attention to body language: Body language can tell you exactly what a person says, if not more. Observe their hand gestures when they talk. Is your co-worker saying they can meet a deadline, but wringing her hands while they say it? He/ she might be afraid to inform you that it will be tough to meet the due date. Paying close attention to a co-worker’s body language will help you understand exactly what the person wants to say. 

Never stop improving: Effective communication is a skill you must practice. You must observe how others respond to your communication to look for areas for improvement.

Being a great communicator has its set of perks. If you are a good communicator, you will be able to understand better and be better at your work. Here’s hoping that you’ll use the above-mentioned tips and be an excellent communicator at your workplace.


Picture of Mrs. Manali Shah
Mrs. Manali Shah


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